HomeWinBuzzer TipsHow to save a Web Page in Chrome

How to save a Web Page in Chrome

We show you how to download a webpage in Chrome as a HTML file, as well as how to save a link as a desktop shortcut.


If you're looking to do some offline viewing, you can save a web page in as a HTML file. When you save from Chrome using this method, you can choose to keep just the basic text to keep the file size low or download additional assets like pictures.

The advantage of this method over saving a webpage as a pdf is the underlying code. When you convert a web page to pdf, it takes an image and places it in a document. This is great for printing but means that the website is no longer interactable. When you save an HTML file you can still copy text, modify the code, click on links, and view animations.

Due to these benefits, today we'll focus on how to download a webpage as an HTML file. Those who do want to save a webpage as a PDF can check our dedicated tutorial instead. Let's get started:

How to Download a Webpage in Google Chrome

The process to save a webpage in Chrome is very simple, but it is hidden behind some sub-menus. Once you've opened your browser to the website you want to save, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the ‘Save page as…' button

    With your page open, press the three dots in the upper-right corner of your Chrome window, next to the search bar. Then, hover over “More tools” and click “Save page as…”. Alternatively, press the Chrome ‘Save as' shortcut, “Ctrl + S”.

  2. Save the HTML file as a complete page, single file, or HTML only

    A Windows Explorer dialog will surface with the name automatically populated. Pay attention to the “Save as type” dropdown, where you have three options:

    Webpage HTML Only: Saves only the HTML code of the website. Images, advanced webpage theming, and animations will not be preserved.
    – Webpage, Single File: Save a page in Chrome as a single mhtml file rather than a folder. This reduces clutter but may not have quite as good results for some web pages.
    – Webpage, Complete: Saves a HTML file as well as a separate folder that requires all of the files the website needs to function. Typically has the closest results to the original page.

    When you've decided which is right for you, click it and then press the “Save” button.

  3. Open the saved Chrome webpage in your browser

    A dialog will appear at the bottom of your screen with the HTML file associated with your webpage. Click it to open it in your browser and check if everything is working correctly.

  4. Access your saved web page in your downloads folder

    Now that you know how to save a webpage in Chrome, you can access the downloaded files at any point in your download folder. You'll see the .HTML file and a separate folder that ends in _files. Inside this folder you'll find all of the webpage's images, CSS, and JS files.

How to Create a Shortcut to a Web Page or Website 

The above is great if you want to view an article offline, but what if you just want an easy way to access your favorite page or site?

For this, we can save the link as a shortcut. Creating a shortcut for a website won't save the website for offline viewing, but it will make it much faster to get to from your desktop when you do have a connection.

  1. Press the ‘Create shortcut…' button in Chrome

    In your Chrome window, press the three dots in the top-right corner. Then, hover over “More tools” and click “Create shortcut…”.

  2. Name and save your webpage 

    In the “Create shortcut?” dialog, type a name for your web page, then click “Create”. if you want a more app-like experience, you can tick “Open as window” to create the shortcut as a Progressive Web App.

  3. Double-click your desktop shortcut to open the page

That's all we have for you in this guide. However, while you're here you may want to brush up on some other Chrome tricks. Did you know you can save all of your open tabs to read later or export your bookmarks locally? Consider giving a try and let us know if you run into any issues.

Ryan Maskell
Ryan Maskellhttps://ryanmaskell.co.uk
Ryan has had a passion for gaming and technology since early childhood. Fusing the skills from his Creative Writing and Publishing degree with profound technical knowledge, he enjoys covering news about Microsoft. As an avid writer, he is also working on his debut novel.